Friday, 21 October 2011

Make Extra Money with Writing Jobs

Now I know what you are thinking... you have to be a great writer to do writing jobs and make money right? This is a misnomer and actually there are more writing jobs out there than ever before and with a little fine tuning anyone can write a decent article if they go about it in the right way.

When I was growing up in the 1980’s my dad used to say “people don’t read anymore” with TV and radio being the main distraction as he understood it and to be fair he was right at that time. We were reading less and watching and listening more. Well... that all changed in the 1990’s with the internet becoming the emerging medium for us all as it has become. I would say that people are reading more than ever in the 21st century and also ordinary people are writing more than ever with blogs and websites easily published.

As we progress, generation after generation will become more adept at writing blogs etc. We write more than ever in the history of man because of texting. It may not be a high literary standard but it does mean that it is more natural to communicate by writing than it has ever been for the average person. How many times have you text a friend about something you just bought or a meal you just ate. It’s really easy when you have experienced something to write about it. I am not talking a literary master piece but easily understood reviews.

When you read a review or blog on a subject what you want is concise and easily understood writing so that you can understand and find out what you wanted to know quickly. We all lead busy lives these days and making an article, review or blog easily understood is paramount. Think about how easy it is for you to talk about something you feel passionate about or a hobby or interest you have. Just think how easy it would be for you to write about one of these subjects. Don’t worry about grammar and spelling as any decent word processor will sort that out for you and anyway you can get it proof read by someone who is great with words.

There are more opportunities for writing jobs than ever with more companies looking for people to write reviews, articles or blog posts on all kinds of subjects because of the internet and the importance that Google puts on original content. Google basically ignores websites and blogs that have unoriginal articles and content as a way of sifting out the rubbish when you and I search for a particular subject or phrase. This alone has created a huge demand for writing jobs and original articles and reviews. How easy would it be for you to write about a new food mixer that you were given after using it a couple of times? A 500 word review would be easily achievable right? Well... big companies are paying for reviews just like that.

Writing jobs have never been so popular with Paramount Pictures, 20th Century Fox, Ford Motor Company and Google or Bing all paying great money for people to write articles and reviews. I have always wanted to write a book and I believe like many famous people have said that we all have a novel in us. Writing articles and reviews is a great way of learning to write regularly and a great way of developing your own style and feel before embarking on that novel hidden deep inside us all.

I have written many articles on here and other places around the internet. I had a very average upbringing and did pretty average at school, I didn’t go to university and have not been taught in any way to write articles. I just read a couple of books on writing and started publishing articles on anything I was experienced in or passionate about.

My first articles would take about a day to do, but now... half an hour. I do a little research, read an article or blog and then write about it, one hour max per 800 word article. Once you get your head around it, it is a very quick and interesting way of making extra money from home around your other responsibilities. Writing jobs are a great and fun way of making money online once you get the hang of it. If you feel you could do this read a couple of books on writing articles and just write at first, anything at all, even if it seems total rambling nonsense. Then leave it for a day and go back and start again writing the same article without looking at your original effort, you will be amazed how quickly your brain begins to repackage the article in a better way than you did yesterday. 10 articles down the line and you will wonder what all the fuss is about. It’s not that difficult just be bold and give it a go!
For more information on making money from writing jobs visit: Real Writing Jobs!

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