Friday, 18 November 2011

How to Get Free Money from Blogging

How to get free money... yeah right! Everyone will tell you that you can’t get anything for nothing. Well this is of course true, but you can build a number of money generating systems online that will generate free money once set up and with very little maintenance. I am talking, one day per month to maintain. Can you spare one day per month to maintain a steady income stream?

There are several ways online to generate an income or extra cash. It is true that these days it is harder than ever to do so. In these times you are more likely to generate an extra income than get rich online. But an extra income for one day per months maintenance would improve your life wouldn’t it so it’s worth knowing how to do that right?

You can be cynical and move on, never trying anything new because “if it were that easy, everyone would be doing it” The hard bit is staying power, the reason most people fail at anything is because they give up when they don’t see instant results or they lose interest. That and intellectual ability are the main reasons for failure in any situation. Plus the other reason everyone isn’t doing it is because not everyone knows how to get free money.

I started my career in Information Technology way back before the mouse was invented so obviously computer work is easy for me, but these days it’s easy for anyone with a standard level of education. Almost anyone can set up a blog; they have templates and lots of gadgets that are easily applied. The tuition videos walk you through building a blog also... so it’s a very easily achievable thing to do. You can make money on autopilot from a blog and once you have created a couple you will be able to create a blog in half a day. It is so easy and once set up it will take hardly any time at all to maintain. I maintain seven blogs in half a day, once a month. This is just one of the many ways I generate a residual income online while working my day job as a Kitchen Designer.

I could work from home and did for a while but found I missed Kitchen Design. It doesn’t pay enough for me and my large family of six so I make money online for free from various outlets. I don’t pay for advertising or any web design companies so it costs me nothing to do, just my time and very little of that. But anyone can do this these days and it’s a way of surviving this economic collapse that we are experiencing in the western world. After this recession will come a boom, it always does... so make sure you are in a good place to capitalise on the boom by building something now!

It’s going to be about three to four years before we see people freely spending again so consolidate and learn how to make free money now so that you can prosper in the future. It’s very simple, learn to build a blog, add Ad sense, add affiliate products and build it around a subject you know and feel passionate about. Add relevant and original articles once a month and over a period of time you will start earning regular commission dependent on how well you do it. You can find out how to do all these things at or various other websites.

It’s just a matter of great strategy + action = success! If you do nothing then nothing will change, find which ‘how to make free money’ system you would be interested in or feel you could enjoy trying and give it your all. I have at least ten different income streams and it has taken me five years to get to this point but it is very easy now and even if I don’t touch any of it, it will keep making money on autopilot for the next few years but will taper off just because I am not maintaining it. I spend a couple of days a month maintaining the websites and blogs and the money just keeps generating for free. Don’t let this economic meltdown dictate your circumstances; make a change now for a better future.